When Writing Becomes

Many of my stories, like WIND, are fantasies. They arise from my imagination, growing out of the fertile cultural wealth of inherited myths. They arise from the legacy of where we are now, and the possibilities of where we might go. They arise from fear and hope, the angst and joy of being human, and my deep care for Earth.
No matter how much I love the process of weaving together ideas, thoughts, dreams, visions, and the imaginal realm into coherence, making some sort of sense out of Life, as many stories attempt to do, I never expect what I write to actually happen to me. But about ten years ago, I noticed that was exactly what was going on. I'd write a novel and then I'd start living it!
After I finished the first draft for VISION SINGER, I found myself having the same experiences as my protagonist. In the eco-fantasy, my main character discovers a magical tree where she has visions and sings tree music. A year or two after finishing my first draft (it still needs work and is not yet published), I began hiking several days a week in the ancient redwoods near my home. Meditating over and over with a special tree, I heard music in my mind and sang along. Later, when people hooked redwoods up to devices that translate the electrical impulses from plants into sounds, I realized that that was what I'd been hearing! Again, like my character, I also had visions at the tree that came true. I've described a few of them in my coming book, SACRED FOREST BATHING.
This is only one of many things I've written in stories or memoirs and then have actually experienced. There is a power in words. The first step in any creation is to envision it, then speak, write or make an image of what we wish to bring into being. Our actions are often based on the ideas we cultivate. While it is important to be aware of what is going on in our shared world, it is also crucial that we focus our attention on what we want. For me, that is restored ecosystems, clean water, many forests, healthy, happy, well-cared for people living in peace and harmony, and of course, flowers, which is why I shared the photo of Dahlia's my partner Steve grew. What is it for you?
Click the link below to see the book trailer for WIND.