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Morning Mist over Forest

Ellen Dee Davidson



Author Ellen Dee Davidson lives in the redwoods of far Northern California. She has published three children's picture books, a middle-grade fantasy, young adult fantasy, magazine articles, and coming soon, a forest bathing book. Deeply inspired by the beauty of the forest, Ellen's books are full of the magic and wonder of nature.

Link to Mother Daughter Earth podcast.  (For more recorded interviews check Star Tree Page)

In The Press

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Reconnect with nature for healing, creativity, and expanded awareness.


Advancing forest bathing and nature therapy to mystical levels, this book explores the healing, heightened creativity, and intuitive states available to us when we commune with nature. Weaving environmental science, wilderness adventure, goddess mythology, and the sentience of redwoods, Sacred Forest Bathing shows how to cultivate sensitivity to the forest and open to its wisdom. 

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New Dimensions Radio Interview

Or click below for Podcast 


Listening to What Trees Have to Teach Us

Recorded with Ellen Dee Davidson

An inspiring bilingual children's book, in English and Spanish, that captures the inspiring true story of how Paolo Lugari and his team managed to found a sustainable community in the barren savanna of eastern Colombia, and then miraculously restored rainforest not seen in the area for thousands of years!   

"May this book inspire all who read it—young and old— to restore our world with unstoppable creativity!"— Cynthia Jurs, founder, Gaia Mandala Global Healing Community and author, Summoned by the Earth 

Click here for Link to NAAEE recommendation (North American Association for Environmental Education)

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Award winning young adult fantasy, translated into Danish and German, selected as one of the best books for children by the International Youth Library in Germany. View More...


When a spoiled princess finally gets exactly what she wants, she is in big trouble! Inspired by my daughters, Jessica and Michelle, who begged for pet after pet. View More...


In a world of green circles, Zoe is a red triangle. Used in schools to teach peace, tolerance, self-esteem and geometric shapes. View More...



Enchanted by the lush green beauty and deep hush found in the redwood forest, Ellen has spent much of her time over the last seventeen years meditating beneath a few ancient trees. To her surprise, she discovered that the trees have different personalities and communicate with her in sensation, image, and wordless knowing. Sometimes she swears she can hear their creaky voices whispering in her mind! 

Sitting with the old growth trees has increased her inner peace and well-being. Ellen shares the healing and enlightening power of trees in her writing, whether it's fantasy for kids or a nonfiction magazine article. She also helps support people preserving and restoring forests.



Ellen Dee Davidson Bio

After graduating from UC Santa Cruz, Ellen worked as an elementary, creative writing and piano teacher and raised two daughters, Jessica and Michelle. She has six published books and several magazine articles, including one about saving ancient trees. Ellen lives in the redwoods of Humboldt County with her husband Steve, and the dog, Sooner, she shares with her daughter. 


Sometimes trees speak in silence, in peace, in deep relaxation that becomes communion. Sometimes trees speak in soft whispers, in opening hearts, in waves of well being and joy. Sometimes trees speak through rivers of wind caressing needles and leaves, sending messages through the atmosphere to the stars and cascading down to nourish mycilleum clad roots. Sometimes trees speak in sensations, knowing, even vision. And then we may wonder where the tree leaves off and we begin, where the human and tree become one breath of Life.

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Susan Beardon Art

Green landscape with mountains in the background


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